How do faculty place materials on reserve for a course?


The UDC Library can place materials related to your course in a special location with restricted circulation rules. These may be items that the library already owns or may be supplied by you. Instructors are welcome to donate materials to the library to place on reserve for their students.

Please email us at or call us at 202-274-5104 to discuss placing materials on reserve. If you are reusing a reserve item for another semester, please contact us again. If you are supplying the item, please bring it to the UDC Library Circulation Desk no later than three weeks before the beginning of the semester.

During the course term, the reserve materials will be found in UDC Search using the Course Reserves dropdown option and will be searchable by instructor name and course number, in addition to author and title. Reserve materials circulate for two hours at a time and may leave the library. Fines accrue for each hour or portion of an hour after the due date/time. These restrictions are in place to ensure that the materials are available for as many students as possible.

An email at the end of the semester will inform the instructor of total circulation for course reserve materials. Instructors' materials must be picked up from the UDC Library Circulation Desk before the start of the next semester. Unclaimed items will be treated as donations to the library.

  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
  • Views 155
  • Answered By Michael Fitzgerald

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