How do I request books or articles through Interlibrary Loan?


Interlibrary Loan is for items not available at UDC or via Consortium Loan Service (CLS).

To request a book or article using Interlibrary Loan (ILL):

  1. From the UDC library Homepage:
  2. Click on “My Library Account” on the right side of the red navigation bar at the top of the screen. 
  3. Log in using your UDC information (UDC email and password, same as for MyUDC).
  4. Once logged in, click on "ILL Request."
  5. The first time you access ILLiad, you will verify your personal information. Often missing is a phone number. Once you enter all required information and verify, you will be taken to the ILLiad home page. Your ILLiad account SHOULD be linked to your library account, and automatically take you into the page the verify your personal information. If it prompts you to login, contact a librarian for assistance.
  6. Once in ILLiad, click on "Book" or “Article Copy” under “New” on the left hand side of the page.
  7. Then, you can fill in the form with the necessary information, all available in the citation.

Note: There is no time guarantee for ILL requests. While they can be pretty fast, we can't make any promises, so plan ahead and request early. 


  • Last Updated Jul 17, 2023
  • Views 1304
  • Answered By Michael Fitzgerald

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