Do I need to activate my UDC library card?


Your UDC OneCard is your library card. You no longer need to activate your library card.

UDC students, faculty, and staff are loaded into the library system every night. Any changes made in the registrar’s office should appear the following day. The library has no control over things like current address, phone, or email. All changes to contact information will need to be made at the registrar’s office. Students whose UDC accounts have become inactive will need to contact the registrar’s office.

The only patrons who do need to register with the library are UDC alumni, who have limited access to library services (e.g., no remote access for electronic resources, no Consortium Loan Service).


If you have difficulty logging in through the UDC authentication system to access library resources, contact the UDC Office of Information Technology. The library is unable to address issues with the UDC authentication system.

  • Last Updated Jun 27, 2024
  • Views 1150
  • Answered By Michael Fitzgerald

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